Kata benda nyata, seperti table, teacher
mudah dikenali dan bila berhubungan
dengan kata sifat, maka posisinya, kata sifat dulu, baru kata benda (adj +
noun). Contoh: smart worker, hard
worker, dsb. Akan tetapi bagaimana
mengenali kata benda yang abstrak (tdk dpt disentuh), seperti:
penjelasan (explaination), pencapaian (achivement) dsb. Bila dalam bahasa
Indonesia mempunyai ciri pe …..an, ke
………...an sedangkan dalam bahasa Inggris mempunyai cirri yang berakhiran dengan:
____ ment develop
(v) menjadi development (noun)
achieve (v) menjadi achievement (noun)
agree (v)
menjadi agreement (noun)
____ ship leader (noun)
menjadi leadership (noun)
(noun) menjadi membership (noun)
____ nce accept (v)
menjadi acceptance (penerimaan)
(adj.) menjadi confidence (noun) keyakinan
____ty/ y difficult
(adj) menjadi difficulty (kesulitan)
deliver (v)
menjadi delivery (noun)
____ion decide (v)
menjadi decision (n)
explain (V)
menjadi explaination (n)
____ness good (adj)
menjadi goodness (n)
(adj) menjadi carelessness (n) kesembronoan
jadi,akhiran tersebut di atas mempunyai padanan
dalam bahasa Indonesia PE ….AN, KE….AN
lalu bagaimana aplikasinya dalam kalimat? Meskipun kata-kata yang berakhiran
dengan ion, ty dsb merupakan kata benda, tetapi tidak bisa dipasangkan dengan
subjek: I, You, We, They, She, dan He seperti ‘I am development’ jika
diterjemahkan ‘saya pengembangan” meskipun penulisannya sudah sesuai dengan
aturan bahwa kalau subjek ketemu dengan kata benda, maka antara subjek dan kata
benda tersebut perlu kata kerja bantu, namun untuk kata benda abstrak tidak
bisa. Contoh lain “ she is decision”, ‘dia keputusan’
seharusnya kalimat itu “ I decide” atau ‘My decision”. Jadi kata benda abstrak
tersebut bisa mengikuti : My, Our, His, Her, Their, Its. Contoh, My sales
achiemeny is exceed the target. Kemudian, bila kata benda abstrak ketemu dengan
kata benda, maka gunakan penghubung of. Contoh, “The development of our marketing strategy tend to achieve its
perfection”. “The letter of
agreement has been signed”. Letter (noun), agreement (noun).
Mengenali bentuk kata sifat
Setelah mengetahui kata benda, maka harus
mengetahui kata sifat, sehingga bisa dipadukan antara kata sifat dengan kata
benda yang mana posisinya adjective + noun. Kata sifat yang selama ini
dikenal seperti: lazy, clever dsb. Lalu
apa ciri-ciri kata sifat itu? Ciri-ciri kata sifat berakhiran dengan:
_____ al technology
(n) -------technological (adj)
(n)-----------practical (adj)
_____ ent differ
(v)--------- -different(adj)
(adj) yakin
_____ ive act
(v)--------- active (adj)
(v)---- productive (adj)
____ able negotiate
(v)-----negotiable (adj) able (dapat di), un….able (tdk dpt di)
(v)--------- unacceptable (adj) tdk dpt diterima
____ less care
(v)----------- careless (adj) tdk peduli (sembrono)
(v)----------hopeless(adj) akhiran less berarti ‘tdk’.(putus asa)
____ ful care
(v)--------careful (adj)
jadi, kata yang berakhiran ent, ive dsb merupakan
kata sifat. Sekarang kita kombinasikan antara kata sifat dengan kata benda di
atas. Contoh “perkembangan tekology sering digambarkan
sebagai revolusi teknolgi”, “Technological
development is often described as tecnological revolusion. Tecnological merupakan kata sifat yang
berakhiran denan al, sedangakan development kata benda dengan ciri
berakhiran ment, maka posisinya adj+noun. Coba terjemahkan kalimat ini, “sebagai
seorang sales yang aktif, dia selalu mempunyai banyak aktivitas, jika tidak,
dia akan putus asa dan akhirnya akan mengambil tindakan yang sembrono” langkah
pertama yang dilakukan, identifkasi dulu kata benda dan kata sifat dulu, missal
active (adj), action (n), careless (adj), hopeless (adj). Setelah itu padukan
kata sifat dengan kata benda (posisi kata sifat mendahului kata benda). Jadi kalimat tersebut “As
an active sales man, he always has many activities, if not, he will be hopeless
and finally, he will careless action”.
Untuk lebih lanjut lihat contoh di bawah ini yang sudah sediakan
kata asal sebelumnya, lalu kata pokok itu mengalami perubahan. Seperti no. 1 kata pokoknya ‘employ’
merupakan kata kerja yang berarti ‘memperkerjakan’ dan anda lihat perubahannya
dalam kalimat berikutnya.
In an area of high unemployment people are desperate to find jobs.
Every employee of the firm is
entitled to 10% discount.
Her employer gets very angry if she uses the phone too much.
I am looking for temporary
employment during the summer holidays.
2. ENGAGE menggunakan
The line is engaged so I’ll have to try again later.
Cancel all my engagement for the rest of the day, please.
3. EXPENSE biaya
It’s expensive to send the goods by air but they’re needed urgently.
They offered her Rp. 100.000 plus expenses
Unfortunately expenditure on the project was much more than
His expense claims are being looked at by the Chief Account.
4. EXPLAIN menjelaskan
If you read the explanatory .leaflet, everything should be clear.
We’re waiting for an explanation of his behavior in the meeting.
Untuk no 5 dan seterusnya, anda lihat jawabanya di bawah
5. EXTEND memperpanjang
We have decided to agree to their request for …………. credit.
Could I speak to Miss. Maska, please? I think it’s
…….. 004
The factory was ………….. damaged
in the fire.
To some ……. I agree with her conclusions.
6. FINANCE membiayai (verb), keuangan (noun)
Her …………….. adviser is convinced the project will be a success.
If the company is ………….. sound we might consider taking it over.
7. GROW tumbuh, bertambah
There is a ………… awareness of
the need to improve productivity.
The government is worried
about the ……….. in public
8. IMPRESS kesan (noun), mengesankan (verb)
It’s important to create a good ……….. when meeting clients.
The results from our new French subsidiary are very ….
I’m afraid she was ……….. by our presentation.
In this high-tech world ………….. espionage is on the
Mr. Fred, a prominent ……… will head the committee of
In some of the more ………… countries pollution is a big
10. INFLATE membumbung
I’ve no intention of paying
such …………… prices!
At the moment ……….. in running at 20%
The government must take steps to halt the ………… spiral.
Please let me know if you need any more …………
I enjoyed her talk. It was
very ……………
I’m afraid you’ve been
…………….. She no longer works for us.
The boss has left … that she’s not to be distributed.
I can’t make head nor tail of this ………… manual1
The chairman made some ……….. remarks and then she gave her talk.
I’d like to welcome Jane, who I am sure , needs no ………
These shares have given me a good return on my …..
Small ………… were advised to hold on to their shares.
15. KNOW
We need somebody with a good working ………… of French.
Our company is virtually ………….. abroad.
She’s obviously very …………….. as far as marketing is concerned.
It’s ………….to sell such goods
without a proper permit.
They questioned the ……….. of the company’s action.
Kunci jawaban no. 1-16
Unemployment, employee,
employer, employment
Engaged, engagements
Expensive, expenses,
expenditure, expense
Explanatory, explanation
Extended, extension,
extensively, extent
Financial, financially
Growing, growth
Impression, impressive,
Industrial, industrialist,
Inflated, inflation,
Information, informative,
Instructions, instruction
Introductory, introduction
Investment, investor
Knowledge, unknown,
Illegal, legality
17. Accept menerima
I am sorry, but this arrangement is totally ………………….to. us.
I' ve just received their letter of ………………..so we can
go a
18. Act bertindak
The unions have threatened to take industrial …………
It' s been very
……………………….. day on the stock
The R&D departement seems full of …………….. at the moment.
19. Add menambah
We will be bringing out several ……………….. to our
product line.
There is an …… bonus if I
exceed my sales target by more than 10%.
20. Analyze menganalisa
We will need a detailed cost ……before giving final approval.
Most ………………………….think we're in for a difficult time.
21. Apply mengaplikasikan
Unfortunately we can't interview every …………………………….
I sent my letter of ……………….and they phoned me the next
The regulations are not ……………………..when there are fewer than 10
22. Assist
We will need some financial ……………………………..to enable us to buy more
He was in a meeting so I spoke to the …….. ………..manager.
23. Attract menarik
One of the ……………….of the offer is the free training
They were offering
a very …salary so of course I was interested.
24. Commerce perniagaan
There are so many …………………vehicles on the road these
I am afraid the
scheme is not …………….viable.
As well as newspaper advertising, we plan a series of
TV ………….
25. Connect
My …………….flight didn't leave until 10 o'clock.
We sent them letter in ………….. with their offer of an agency.
She has some useful ……………….. in the hotel trade.
26. Contract
The …………….has told me the office will be ready by
next month.
We are …..obliged to provide adequate security for the
27. Direct
I enclose a map and ………………to help you to find our
The board of …….will make the final decision about the
I found the company by looking in the local trade
I always deal ………………with the manufacturer.
There has been another ….from head office about
28. Decide
He will never make a good manager. He is so …………..
A ……………on the factory is expected soon.
29. Differ membedakan
Installing air conditioning has made all the ……………..
We have decided to try a …………….supplier his time.
We will have to agree to …….I still think it would be
better to go by road.
30. Distribute
He's the sole ………..in this area, so we're forced to
buy from him.
The increase in petrol prices will push up our
31. Economy
We must ………………….on electricity, so switch off those
All those wonderful …haven't found a solution to your
Kunci jawaban no.17-31
Unacceptable (adj)
Acceptance (n) penerimaan
Action (n)
Active (adj)
Activity (n) aktivitas
Additions (n) penjumlahan
Additional (adj) tambahan
Analysis (n) analisa
Analyst (n) analis
Applicant (n) pelamar
Application (n) lamaran
Applicable (adj) dapat dipakai
Assistance (n) bantuan
Assistant (n) pembantu
Attractions (n)pertunjukkan.acara
Attractive (adj) menarik
Commercial (n) iklan
Commercially (kk)
Commercialised (kki) menglomersilkan
connecting (n)
connection (n) in c with berkenaan dengan
contractor (n)
contractually (kk)dengan perjanjian
directions (n) petunjuk
directors (n)
directory (n) petunjuk
directly (kk) secara langsung
directive (n) intruksi
indesicisive (adj)bimbang
decision (n) keputusan
difference (n) perbedaan
different (adj) berbeda
differ (v) membedakan
distributor (n) penyalur
distribution (n) penyaluran
economise (kki) berhemat, menghemat
economist (n) ahli ekonomi
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